Neuromed Skull Base Lab Fellowship
Referente attività: Esposito Vincenzo
Luoghi di svolgimento: Laboratorio di Neuroanatomia “G. Cantore” - Parco Tecnologico dell' I.R.C.C.S. NEUROMED di Pozzilli (IT)
The Neuroanatomy Laboratory “G. Cantore” at I.R.C.C.S. NEUROMED was established in December 2021 as a dedicated space for training and research activities in Neurosurgery using cadaver specimens. Since its inception, numerous "Hands-on" courses focused on skull base pathologies and microvascular sutures have been organized. The goal in the coming years is to progressively expand the training offerings to include other surgical branches. For more information, visit our website:
The ASINO Foundation, established in 2018, aims to:
Create and support an educational program to train young neurosurgeons.
Finance research projects in the field of Neuroscience, particularly in Neuro Oncology.
Through its Scientific Committee comprising esteemed neuroscience experts, the ASINO Foundation evaluates and selects the best projects for financing in the aforementioned fields to optimize resources and, most importantly, monitor the progress and results of the works.
The study of Neuroanatomy forms the foundation of a neurosurgeon's knowledge. Understanding the anatomical intricacies of intracranial structures is crucial for treating tumors and vascular lesions effectively. Therefore, the opportunity for neurosurgeons to undergo training and research in the Anatomical Lab is invaluable.
The Neuroanatomy Laboratory “G. Cantore” at I.R.C.C.S. NEUROMED was founded in December 2021, dedicated to training and research on anatomical specimens in Neurosurgery. Several courses have been organized, focusing on skull base approaches, basic neurosurgical techniques, and microvascular sutures. For more information, visit
Activities and Objectives
The Fellowship program includes laboratory activities focused on skull base and vascular neuroanatomy studies. Fellows will perform common and complex neurosurgical approaches on cadaver specimens, with access to all instruments available in the Lab. During the fellowship, anatomical and surgical lessons will be provided by the Lab Coordinators, along with lessons conducted by expert Neurosurgeons in Neuroanatomy and Skull Base Surgery who collaborate with our Laboratory.
Fellows are encouraged to attend the weekly Clinical Meeting (every Wednesday morning) and the monthly Tumor Board at the Neuromed Institute. Fellows’ activities will be monitored monthly, and there is no specific limit on the length of daily or weekly activities as the laboratory is open 24/7. Fellows are responsible for maintaining and cleaning the Lab, workstations, and surgical tools. The Laboratory is sanitized daily by the Neuromed service staff. Fellows are also responsible for organizing multimedia files for research purposes and updating the specimen archive.
Fellows will have the opportunity to observe open or endoscopic skull base surgery procedures performed at the Neuromed Institute Hospital. Depending on their experience, Fellows may also participate as tutors during the "Skull Base" and "Microvascular Anastomoses" courses held in the Anatomy Laboratory.
Positions and Requirements
Positions: 2 (1 Italian, 1 international)
Length: 6 months
Fellowship Period: January – June, July – December
Location: Neuroanatomy Laboratory “G. Cantore” – Technology Park, I.R.C.C.S. Neuromed, Via dell’Elettronica, 86077, Pozzilli (IS)
Residents in Neurosurgery attending the 4th or 5th year, and Neurosurgeons aged
Beneficiari interni: specializzandi in Neurochirurgia del 4° e 5° anno e giovani specialisti in Neurochirurgia con meno di 40 anni di età. Stakeholder: prof. Vincenzo Esposito; dottoressa Arianna Fava, dottoranda in Neuroscienze Clinico-Sperimentali e Psichiatria della Sapienza.Prevista la presenza contemporanea di 2 fellow per semestre. Beneficiari esterni:Beneficiari: specializzandi in Neurochirurgia del 4° e 5° anno e giovani specialisti in Neurochirurgia con meno di 40 anni di età. Prevista la presenza contemporanea di 2 fellow per semestre. Stakeholder: Dr. Paolo Di Russo, Dr. Nicola Gorgoglione, Dr. Giandomenico Petrella, neurochirurghi strutturati presso la Neurochirurgia dell'IRCCS Neuromed diretta dal Prof Esposito, esperti di chirurgia del basicranio, di neuroanatomia e di gestione di Corsi su cadavere
Acquisizione di conoscenza dell'anatomia chirurgica e di manualità microchirurgica necessari all'esecuzione in sicurezza di approcci chirurgici alla base del cranio in Neurochirurgia
Verifica personale dal parte del Direttore e dei Coordinatori sul raggiungimento dell' opportuna conoscenza dell'anatomia chirurgica, degli approcci chirurgici e dell'adeguata manualità necessaria alla loro esecuzione