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Neuroscience of Music, Dance & Social Synchrony


On March 12, 2025, at 2:00 PM, in Room A of Building CU026 (General Physiology - Anthropology), Department of Human Neuroscience, the following seminar will take place:

Neuroscience of Music, Dance & Social Synchrony

by Dr. Giacomo Novembre, Principal Investigator, Neuroscience of Perception & Action Lab, Italian Institute of Technology, Rome.

Dr. Giacomo Novembre is the leader of the Neuroscience of Perceptionand Action Laboratory (est. 2021) at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT),Rome, Italy. Dr. Novembre holds a BA from San Raffaele University (Milan, ITA,2007), an MSc from the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour(Nijmegen, NL, 2009), and a Ph.D. from the Max Planck Institute for HumanCognitive and Brain Sciences (Leipzig, DE, 2013). Before starting his lab, hewas appointed as a Research Lecturer at the MARCS Institute for Brain,Behaviour and Development (Sydney, AUS, 2013-2016), a Research Associate atUniversity College London (UK, 2016-2018), and a Senior Researcher at IIT(Rome, ITA, 2018-2021). Dr. Novembre’s research utilizes neuroscience,behavioral, and computational methods to investigate two widespread humancapacities: social interaction and musicality, i.e., the biologicalpredispositions that make humans universally apt to musical behavior. Hestudies these capacities in musicians, dancers, non-musically trained adultsand infants, individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, and even non-humanprimates. His research integrates traditional (i.e., laboratory-based) andnaturalistic approaches to human brain and behavior, notably including freebehavior and ecologically valid sensory stimulation. His research is supportedby the European Research Council.



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